Jeopardy delights onlookers
The Kent Historical Society hosted a game of Jeopardy focused on history Sunday, Nov. 15. The program was created by Bruce Adams, a KHS member and Kent’s first selectman. As a former Social Studies teacher at Kent Center School, Adams said he used Jeopardy-style games with his students as a way to study for tests or just a fun activity.
The three contestants were Ed Epstein, Michael Ward and Kasey Clark. Each had his own cheering section in the crowd as they answered the questions, which were quite difficult at times. The first set of categories included Notorious Firsts, Presidents and Veeps, Oddities, Who Said It? and Wait A Second.
“It is very difficult to make up questions for something like this,” Adams said. “I wanted it to be something interesting to you as you sit there and try to figure out the answers in your head and please don’t say the answers out loud.”
Adams said it is a real balance to get the questions right.
“You don’t want to make them so easy that everyone in the room knows the answers, but it is no fun for anyone if nobody knows the answers.”
He said he had fun putting together the event. He also had two quick special rounds in between the two regular rounds. The special recognition round was “Kent According To Susi,” in honor of Kent native and former Kent Historical Society trustee and president Mary “Susi” Williams. Adams borrowed former KHS newsletters and he put together five questions from what Susi had written.
“Lou Bull and an in-town farm next to the town hall. The Old Town Hall is now this,” Adams said and Epstein responded correctly when he said, “What is the Randall antique place?” and Adams said, “yes, RT Facts. “
Epstein was the final winner displaying his knowledge of history and his knowledge of town after living here for almost 50 years.