We welcome written inquiries...
here or regular mail (PO Box 651, Kent, CT 06757). If you are planning to travel to Kent to do research in our files, we request that you make an appointment in advance so that we can search all of our resources and be ready when you arrive.
- Bulls Bridge Cemetery
- Congregational Cemetery
- Good Hill Cemetery
- Flanders Cemetery
- Kent Hollow Cemetery
- Morehouse and Parcells Cemeteries
- Sacred Heart Cemetery
- Saint Andrews Cemetery
Some Names you will find in Our Genealogy Files:
Antram | Ashman | Barnum | Beach | Beardsley | Beeman | Benedict | Bennett | Berry Boardman | Bolt | Bradley | Britton | Bronson/Brownson | Buckingham | Burnett | Buell
Bull | Cass | Chamberlain | Chase | Chapin | Comstock v Convers
Davis | Derthick | Day | Edwards | Ellsworth, Town of Eyles | Fairchild | Fuller Geer | Gibbs | Giddings | Gilbert | Gunn | Hall | Haxtun | Hendricks | Hopson | Howland Ingersoll | Jennys | Judd | Lane/Lain | Mills | Monroe | Morehouse | Morgan | Newton | Noble | Nodine | Northrup
Peet | Pratt | Ransom | Raymond | Roberts | Roots | Rowley | Segar/Seger | Sheldon Skiff | Slosson | Smith | Spooner | Soule | Stanton | Stuart/Stewart | Swift | Tobin | Waller | Wells | Whittlesey | Wilson
We acquire more information periodically, so contact us even if your name is not listed here.
We can also put you in touch with our Town Historian who may have more information.
In addition, we sell in our Gift Shop "A Register of Some Families That Have Lived in Kent, 1739 to 1999", compiled by Francelia Johnson.
Genealogy Resources:
Ancestry.com - search 240 million names in 1630 databases
Cemetery Junction - This site is about helping the genealogy community find information about their ancestors. Thousands of cemeteries listed.
Cemetery Records on the Internet - The site is a resource of burial records and links to cemetery webpages. Browse over 2.8 million cemetery records across over 54,00 cemeteries worldwide online, all searchable. Special collections included veterans cemeteries and cemeteries flooded by dams.
Ellis Island Passenger Lists - Between 1892 and 1924 over 22 million passengers and members of ships' crews came through Ellis Island and the Port of New York. Now you can research passenger records from ships that brought the immigrants - even see the original manifests with passengers' names.
Genealogy Learning Center - Tracing your family's history is a fascinating journey. This site will guide you along the way by offering how-to articles, genealogy classes and other resources that will help you dig deeper into your family's past.
Kindred Konnections - "Family History Research Center" - search 100 million names
National Genealogical Society Home Page
ROOTS-L Home Page - Information on genealogical resources found at U.S. archives and libraries, including the Library of Congress. Includes Revolutionary War and other military records, as well as state by state genealogical resources.
SurnameWeb - The Genealogy Web Portal - The largest surname site on the web, search from over 1 BILLION persons! Now featuring 70,000 links to over 32,000 surnames; and over 2,200 one-name studies.