Award of Merit presented for Iron Exhibit

Society Wins an Award of Merit for 2014 Iron Exhibit


The Connecticut League of History Organizations (CLHO) bestowed upon the Kent Historical Society June 1, 2015, an Award of Merit for the exhibition Iron, Wood and Water: Essential Elements in the Evolution of Kent.  

“The committee was very impressed by the exhibit and commends the Historical Society on successfully highlighting the roles and human stories of everyday workers involved in Kent’s iron industry. From the outdoor history hikes to the resourceful installation, the Historical Society connected Kent’s past to the community today and has helped the community understand the origins of the town,” the League said in its letter announcing the award.

Marge Smith, the Society’s Curator, said it was gratifying for her to see her personal vision presented and receive honors.

“We were thrilled to have our hard work and creativity in this exhibit achieve this recognition,” Smith said. “This was a personal project of mine, but it came to fruition because of the energetic participation of our Board of Trustees.”

Large panels highlighted the personal stories and encouraged visitors to “imagine” themselves in the person’s shoes. These panels were designed by Board President Lynn Mellis Worthington and Trustee Melissa Cherniske.

“This exhibit was presented in a new format for the Society with large photographs and text. We are thrilled that our efforts in presenting this in-depth look at the iron industry were recognized on the state level,” Mellis Worthington said. “It was very exciting to be one of 10 organizations receiving awards this year.”

So often, local histories are told through the lives of the wealthiest notable citizens. This exhibit was unusual in that its focus was on workers and their daily lives in what was the high-tech industry of its era. Iron, Wood and Water was the summer exhibit in 2014 and was open from July to September.

For more information about the awards, see the League’s web site,