Special gift for Sponsor level members this year

Special gift for Sponsor level members this year

As a special gift to our Sponsor level members and above this year, we are providing a complimentary subscription to the quarterly magazine “Connecticut Explored.” This handsome publication covers the depth and breadth of our state’s history in articles of high quality, but with a dash of irreverence that makes for lively reading and wide appeal.

“Connecticut Explored” explores the state’s cultural heritage with the aim of revealing connections between the state’s past, present, and future. The magazine is published four times a year by a consortium of organizational partners that represent the best heritage, educational, and arts organizations in the state.

Other KHS members may also purchase a discounted subscription to “Connecticut Explored” magazine because we are now organizational partners with the group.

Our new exhibit is featured in the Spotlight section of the summer issue of the magazine.

For more information, see http://ctexplored.org/subscribe/

Walks offered in July

Kent Land Trust and Kent Historical Society
jointly sponsor two walks in July 

There will be two walks offered in conjunction with this year’s exhibit, “Camps of Kent: Memories of Summer,” and both are co-sponsored with the Kent Land Trust.

The first walk will be held Saturday July 25 at 2 p.m. at the former Camp Francis property, now known as the East Kent Hamlet Nature Preserve, at 39 Kent Hollow Road. All Camp Francis alumnae are invited to attend as well as members of the public. The walk is designed for all ages. This event is part of the reunion festivities planned for Camp Francis alumnae and staff.

The second walk will be when the moon is full. The Avian Preserve will be ready for walking when the Kent Land Trust and the Kent Historical Society jointly sponsor a walk on Friday, July 31 at 7 p.m.

The walk is designed for all ages but children must be accompanied by an adult. In case of foul weather, the walk will be cancelled (with a notice posted on both groups’ Facebook pages and web sites).

The Kent Land Trust began offering seasonal full-moon hikes in 2014. The Historical Society’s exhibit this year celebrates summer with an in-depth look at camping and the outdoors, “Camps of Kent: Memories of Summer,” so the organizations decided to combine their efforts for this mid-summer walk.

“Many people have fond memories of camping and hiking in Kent, and all camps had weekly campfires including guitars and singing.   We are excited to offer a program to rekindle those memories,” said KHS Trustee,  Melissa Cherniske.

There are many things associated with camping and enjoying the great outdoors. Hiking is one of them and the Kent Land Trust has been making an effort in recent years to make their properties more accessible with publicity of organized hikes/walks, and new trail maps have recently been published for three preserves.

“Eight Kent Land Trust preserves have walking trails, and we encourage passive recreation and enjoyment of the outdoors in this beautiful Northwest Corner of Connecticut. The trails at the Avian Preserve are improved and under expansion and it is a magnificent place to experience all that nature has to offer,” said Connie Manes, KLT Executive Director.

As the full moon rises over the Avian Preserve, participants will be encouraged to explore new landscapes and practice using all their senses while walking the trail at twilight.  The walk will end with a campfire and s’mores.  South Kent resident John Baker, who has been collecting and performing folk songs for many years, will lead the group in camp songs.

Participants attending both walks are asked to wear sturdy shoes and long pants, bring a water bottle, bug spray and a flashlight.

The Avian Preserve is located off Route 7 on North Kent Road.  

Both walks are free, but registration is requested by calling  860-488-9185 or emailing connie.manes@kentlandtrust.org.

The Kent Land Trust is Northwest Connecticut’s leading local land trust and has protected more than 2,500 acres along the Southern Gateway, in Kent Hollow, on Skiff Mountain and throughout Kent.

The Kent Historical Society’s mission is to collect, preserve, interpret and present the rich history of Kent as well as to provide educational and research material to enrich the public understanding of Kent’s artistic and cultural heritage.

First GLN Scholarship winner announced

First GLN Scholarship winner announced

The Kent Historical Society is delighted to announce the winner of the 2015 George Laurence Nelson Art Scholarship. Stefanie Lalvay of Sharon, a senior at Housatonic Valley Regional High School, has won the award.

The Historical Society’s Scholarship committee was impressed with Ms. Lalvay’s application. Lalvay created an eye-catching photo blog that included an elaborate series of shoots at locations in in Manhattan and Brooklyn, involving models, costumes, and intrepid logistical savvy.  The creativity and problem-solving resourcefulness of what she produced struck the judges. One judge said, “Stefanie’s good school record was only part of her story. Her tenacity at achieving her goals really won us over, especially her weekly travels into New York City to FIT to take courses outside of her school curricula.”

The award was presented June 23 during the Senior Awards at Housatonic Valley Regional High School. Executive Director Brian Thomas lauded Ms. Lalvay’s application.

The George Laurence Nelson Art Scholarship awards $1,000 to a student who is a graduate of any Region One school or whose family are residents of any of the Region One towns (Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village, Kent, Salisbury and Sharon). It is available to  graduating high school seniors intending to further their education in studio art or art history.   

The judges include Kent artist Scott Bricker, Al Coffill (the recently retired art teacher at Kent Center School), professor and artist Edward Little, and gallery owner Tim Good.

George Laurence Nelson, 1887-1978, left New York City, falling in love with northwestern Connecticut, and moved to Kent in the early 1900’s.  He was a founder of the Kent Art Association and the Litchfield Hills Art Colony.  In 1916 he married Hermine Redgrave, later known as Helen, and together they restored their 1751 house and store, naming it Seven Hearths, creating magnificent perennial flower gardens. Son of two internationally known artists and a member of the National Academy of Design, Nelson was a noted 20th century artist whose works were widely exhibited in New York City and in Europe.  His portraits and florals, in oils and water colors, are still collected today.

Two Mornings of Art: an adult art class

Two Mornings of Art: an adult art class

The Kent Historical Society with artist and educator Cheryl Moore is excited to present a two-part adult art class on two Saturday mornings. The group will meet July 11 and July 18 from 9 a.m. to Noon to create beautiful watercolor art.

Potential adult artists are invited to transform a blank paper into several beautiful watercolors in two fun mornings. Bring your creativity and we’ll supply the rest…including paint, brushes, paper, apron and cups.

Join other creative minds at the Art Barn behind Seven Hearths, 4 Studio Hill Road, Kent.

The fee is $45 for KHS members or $50 per person for non-members. Space is limited. Reservations required and available online below. PayPal payment is at the bottom of the page. For more information contact reservations@kenthistoricalsociety.org or call 860-927-4587.


Make sure to scroll all the way down in the registration page window.

Adult Art Class