Old Photos of Kent


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Before: Sewer Line being installed in front of G.W. Bull & Sons. After: Now the home of House of Books, Kent Coffee.
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Before: Members of the Kent Fire Dept. circa 1927 posing with Pope Hartford Truck. After: New firehouse building

The "new" Pope Hartford truck, was purchased used from the City of Danbury. The firehouse was originally the stables of the old Kent Plains Hotel, which stood where the Library is today. William Tobin, Sr., bought the building in the 1950's, moved the 2nd floor to the lot behind Tobin's Garage and placed it on a foundation, turning it into a small residence.

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Before: 80 North Main Street, the John Hopson House. After: Now condominiums

Home for many years of the Chapin sisters, Elma Swift Chapin and Anne Hopson Chapin. "Nan" Chapin was a walking encyclopedia of facts about the iron industry and the Hopson family. She also taught piano to generations of Kent children.

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Before: 32 North Main Street, the Kent Memorial Library. After: Books not fencing surround the building

Built 1921. In 1923 a street fair was held to raise much needed funds for the library, outdoor book sales continue to raise much needed funds for the library.


Kent Historical Society | PO Box 651 | Kent, CT 06757 | 860.927.4587